Hopes for Greek debt deal with one week to go
BRUSSELS - Agence France-Presse

The Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras talks to the media at the end of a Special EU Euro Summit about the Greek crisis held at the EU Council building in Brussels on June 23, 2015. AFP photo
Greece and its creditors were working to seal a bailout deal with exactly one week to go June 23 before Athens is due to repay the IMF around 1.5 billion euros or face default and a possible exit from the EU.After an emergency summit in Brussels, they ordered their finance ministers to hold fresh talks on June 24 to thrash out the details ahead of a full meeting of all 28 EU leaders on June 25.
Global stocks surged -- including a nine percent leap in Athens -- on signs of a potential breakthrough, which came after Greece submitted an 11th-hour reform plan to free up crucial funds from its EU-IMF bailout.
European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said he was "convinced" they could end the five-month stand-off with the leftist Greek government led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
"I'm convinced that we will come to a final agreement in the course of this week, for the simple reason that we have to find an agreement this week," Juncker told a press conference.
French President Francois Hollande also said a deal was within reach.
"We are moving towards an accord," Hollande told reporters. "There is still work to be done... every effort must be made so that when eurozone finance ministers meet Wednesday, a solution is in sight."
Most Asian markets climbed June 22 on the news, tracking US and European markets.
Tokyo jumped 1.62 percent to a fresh 15-year high June 22 morning on hopes of a deal, while Hong Kong was 0.35 percent higher.
The euro inched down to $1.1264 and 139.33 yen in Tokyo from $1.1340 and 139.91 yen in New York late June 22.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that while Greece's plans were a "good starting point for further talks", it was also clear that "absolutely intensive work is necessary now".
Merkel also ruled out any question of debt reduction, as Greece has demanded, and also said the leaders had not discussed any possible extension of the Athens bailout.
Hardline International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde said they were "long on work and short on time" to reach a deal.
The Greek proposals were a last-ditch bid to unlock the final 7.2-billion-euro tranche of its aid plan, which creditors have refused to release unless Greece agrees to more austerity measures.
Cash-strapped Greece is at risk of defaulting on a 1.5-billion-euro ($1.7-billion) IMF payment on June 30 if it fails to get a deal to extend its international bailout by the same day.
Radical Syriza party leader Tsipras said that the "ball is now in the court of the European authorities", who have until now always insisted that it is up to Greece to make concessions.
The Greek premier has baulked at making more of the spending cuts that have led to five years of hardship for many Greeks, insisting that pensions and VAT hikes are red lines.
In Athens around 7,000 people gathered in Syntagma square on June 22 night to protest in favour of keeping Greece in the euro.
EU President Donald Tusk warned of the consequences of failure for the 19-country currency union, including the possibility Greece could crash out of the euro and maybe even the EU itself.
"The most important thing is that the leaders take full responsibility for the political process to avoid the worst case scenario, which means uncontrollable, chaotic 'Grexident'," Tusk said, using the term for a failure to prevent Greece leaving the euro.
Tusk confirmed that the new Eurogroup meeting of eurozone finance ministers would be held on June 24 "so that the Eurogroup can achieve results... that can be presented Thursday morning."
EU sources told AFP that Greece had now met 90 percent of the conditions set by its creditors.
One remaining sticking point was over Greece's proposals for VAT measures that would raise an extra 0.75 percent of Greece's gross domestic product, which the creditors say should be at 1.0 percent. The creditors suggested Greece increase VAT on hotels and restaurants from 13 percent to 23 percent.
"Food is a basic necessity, but not restaurants, which rely heavily on foreign tourists," a source told AFP.
Tsipras also met Lagarde and ECB head Mario Draghi before the leaders' summit.
Growing fears of a bank run in Greece amid a huge outflow in deposits prompted the ECB on Monday to inject more emergency funding into Greek banks to cover withdrawals.
Several demonstrations backing Greece's stand against more austerity measures were held in European capitals including Brussels, Berlin, Rome and Paris over the weekend.
Failing a deal, Greece is likely to miss the IMF payment of around 1.5 billion euros, setting up a "Grexit" from the eurozone, which Greece's central bank has said could also see it cast out of the EU.
The EU's involvement in Greece's bailout, which was to provide 240 billion euros in loans in exchange for drastic austerity measures and reforms, runs out at the end of this month, but IMF support is scheduled to continue to March 2016.