‘Turkey will adopt presidency’

‘Turkey will adopt presidency’

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Deputy Prime Minister Bozdağ speaks in favor of the presidential system. AA photo

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ said he believed that Turkey will one day adopt a presidential system and accused those who attempt to delay the process of wrong doing against Turkey.

“We will continue to discuss a presidential system. But we will one day adopt this system. I believe it to be so. Because other ways, other systems, will lead [down a] blind-alley,” he said Sunday.

Bozdağ was the first senior government official who opened a debate over adopting the presidential system while the country is making the new constitution.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and other ruling party officials backed the idea while the opposition accused the government of sabotaging the constitution-making process.

“There is no meaning in delaying the process. Delaying this is another wrong committed against Turkey. Implementation of a right [policy] at a right moment will bring gains to our people and country,” Bozdağ said, arguing that systems other than a presidential one cannot provide comfort, security and prosperity to the people. k HDN