Three children die in house fire in Adana

Three children die in house fire in Adana


Three children died in a fire caused by a home heater in the southern city of Adana's Yüreğir district on Oct. 22.

The victims, Şahad Hüseyin (1), Şam (4) and Hüseyin (6), were all members of a Syrian family living in the home.

Media reports said the fire reportedly started after a heater placed under a bed for the children overheated.

The children's father was at work, and their mother had stepped out to visit a neighbor when the fire broke out, according to state-run Anadolu Agency.

Neighbors heard the commotion and alerted the authorities.

Health workers, police and Istanbul Municipality fire teams responded to the scene, extinguishing the fire. However, the three children could not be saved. An investigation into the cause of the fire has been launched by police.

In April, a 6-year-old girl died in a fire that started near a tent housing a Syrian family in neighboring Mersin's Silifke district. Nine Syrian nationals, including eight children, lost their lives in a fire in a building in the northwestern city of Bursa's Yıldırım district in 2022.