Survey indicates social media use in university classes

Survey indicates social media use in university classes


Many Turkish students who participated in a Laureate Education survey have said future classes will depend on social media platforms.

Many Turkish students who participated in a Laureate Education survey have said future classes will depend on social media platforms.

Some 61 percent of 360 students from Turkey’s Bilgi University said in 15 years’ time, most classes will use social media platforms to learn and teach other students.

Some 52 percent of all respondents believe most courses will be available all day (including during the night), and 44 percent of all respondents believe most courses will be offered without fixed schedules, which will accommodate students who work or simply prefer to learn during nontraditional hours of the day.

Of those surveyed, 61 percent believe most courses offered by future universities will be designed by industry experts, and 64 percent of all respondents and 47 percent of Turkish students predict courses will be offered in multiple languages.