Time bomb in the Middle East

Time bomb in the Middle East

If it did not have a special status for the three monotheistic religions, Palestinians, Jews, and the Middle East, as well as the international community of nations, the transfer of the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem ought to be a matter that should only concern the American and Israeli governments. However, not only was it the subject of a centuries-long war of civilizations or the Crusades, continued denial of the multi-cultural and multi-religious status of Jerusalem, a refusal to accept that it has always been an Arab as much as a Jewish city carries the potential of becoming the cause of greater mishaps for all of humanity.

To say the least, the Donald Trump administration’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in defiance of all sensitivities around the issue was an ignorant and blatant act of provocation that negated the role of global power broker and mediator Washington wants to play as a super power. It is no longer an honest broker, but an active partner of a confrontation.

No action can be an excuse for a terrorist attack or should be considered a sufficient cause for war, not even the provocative transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem, but unfortunately there will be very serious, even dreadful consequences that we might be scared of thinking of for now. No one should have any allusion that this drastic move might be left unanswered with some deplorable actions by some radical elements that we unfortunately have in abundance in this geography.

Now, the transfer of the U.S. Embassy will open a new chapter, not only in the Arab-Israeli conflict, but I am afraid it will lead to a new episode of a clash of civilizations. A time bomb is being placed in the heart of the international community. If one of the permanent five of the United Nations Security Council, a key actor in the international system, a country that claims to be a super power that can contribute to peace and serve for the safeguard of global security can undertake in such a provocative action, the time must have come to question the validity of the post-World War II international system. If one of the permanent five of the Security Council can so blatantly defy a vote by the majority of U.N. General Assembly members, there must be a problem that ought to be corrected.

Turkey and other countries of this region must handle this delicate issue with the utmost care in full awareness of the odd “fight fire with fire” or “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth” mentality. There is need for moderation, cool headed evaluation and damage control before taking any further action that may exacerbate the already explosive situation not only in the Middle East but also in Turkish-American relations.

Appreciated Kyprianou

Cyprus watchers and people with insight on the Cyprus problem, which has been ongoing since 1963, have started to acknowledge that two states within the EU may be a serious option worth considering for a resolution.

At the basis of the Greek Cypriot side’s proposal for a federation was a full termination of the guarantee system and Turkey’s complete withdrawal from Cyprus on the grounds that after a resolution, the entire island would be in the EU and in an EU-member Cyprus there would be no need for “external” guarantors. Naturally, in such a deal, Turkey would be given an “EU-member like” status limited to the island, particularly in regards to the freedom of movement, settlement, and opening businesses and such.

Greek Cypriot Progressive Party of Working Party (AKEL) leader Andros Kyprianou came up with a statement deciphering the mentality of the Greek Cypriot side. He said a two-state settlement (in the EU) would be treacherous because that would mean having Turkey next door. According to Kyprianou, a two-state settlement in the EU would not provide security for Greek Cypriots.

Interesting. How would an EU membership that might be an adequate security guarantee for Turkish Cypriots become deficient when it comes to Greek Cypriots? Was it not Greek Cypriots who attempted to butcher Turkish Cypriots between 1963 and 1974?