Why does silence prevail on the Uludere massacre?

Why does silence prevail on the Uludere massacre?

You must have read it. A story in the American daily Wall Street Journal has annoyed all of us. The topic is about the Uludere massacre and is based on a Pentagon report. 

According to this report, on the night of Dec. 28, American drones, or predators, spotted a convoy heading toward Turkey on the Iraqi side of the border. However, they could not decide whether those in the caravan were terrorists or civilians. They suggested additional surveillance. According to the newspaper report, Turkish officers instead directed the Americans who were remotely piloting the drone to fly it somewhere else and decided on an operation. In the end, planes bombed 34 people in Uludere. Later, it was understood that the dead were in fact not terrorists but smugglers. 

Ankara paid compensation to the families of the deceased. The Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor with special powers launched an investigation. A research commission was also formed in Parliament, but those responsible have not been found up to now.

Now, it’s our turn to ask questions? What is happening? Why are they keeping silent? 

Is this report true? If not, what is the truth of the matter? 

Karayılan phobia blocks releases 

The issue of the arrested deputies has become a deadlock in the stickiest sense. Whereas Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek made a genuine bid for it and was close to a solution, opposition parties found common ground with the help of some force. At the last moment, the prime minister said “no way.” He demanded that court verdicts be waited for. 


According to rumors whispered in the corridors, the most important factor that forced the prime minister into this was the pressure from those who argue that if the arrested were accepted into Parliament it would create a path from Kandil (Mountain) to Parliament. 

I don’t know to what extent this is true, but this phobia has been sustained in the market for a long time. If this is the case, then the government may speed up the legal process. It can make a few signs so that verdicts are reached in the shortest possible time. 

What we are waiting for, I have not understood yet. 

State protocol 

State protocol is being reorganized. According to media reports, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has objected to the new arrangement. The placement of the Chief of General Staff in front of the opposition leader was an unacceptable situation with regards to demilitarization, the CHP has pointed out.

It is true. That the Chief of General Staff is placed in front of the opposition leader in state protocols truly does not suit a country that claims it has achieved demilitarization. It should definitely be corrected. 

Meanwhile, I want to emphasize another point: The facts that the General Staff started reporting to the prime ministry instead of the Ministry of Defense, and that its chief was moved to the front seats in the state protocol, were achieved after the May 27 coup due to pressures from the CHP. Now, we are going back to what is correct. 

The pleasure of a cup 

For sure, all Galatasaray fans have watched with sorrow how Fenerbahçe players received their cup at the end of the game, and how they shared their deserved joy with their supporters. Galatasaray fans must have felt both sorrow and anger, because Fenerbahçe fanatics deprived them of this right and this pleasure. They were treated like they were undeservedly receiving a cup, in a dark stadium.
When they saw the beautiful excitement and applause of the supporters, Galatasaray fans realized even more how unfairly they were treated last Saturday.