Nusret ship boosting Çanakkale tourism in Turkey

Nusret ship boosting Çanakkale tourism in Turkey


The Nusret Mine Ship, which defeated Allied fleets during World War I by laying mines on transit routes, was rescued 14 years ago from ruins and opened to visitors after a restoration process in the southern province of Mersin’s Tarsus district.

The ship has hosted thousands of local and foreign visitors since then.

The ship, which changed the fate of the Dardanelles Battle, had served the fleet for many years. After the ship finished its mission in 1955, it began carrying dry cargo in 1962 under the name “Kaptan [Captain] Nusret.”

But since 1990, the ship remained idle docked at the Port of Mersin. With the initiation of a group of volunteers, the ship was disembarked in 1999 and restored after being purchased by the Tarsus Municipality.

Following a nearly four-year work, Nusret began to be displayed at the Nusret Mine Ship Museum and the Çanakkale Victory Cultural Park in 2003.

Çanakkale remembered

In 14 years, the ship became a symbol of the district, featuring the days of victory with the museum inside, beeswax sculptures and a 3D walking area.

Speaking to the state-run Anadolu Agency, Nusret Mine Ship Museum and Çanakkale Victory Cultural Park official Ferhat Alpi said they were proud of hosting Nusret, one of most important symbols of Turkish history.

He said it made great contributions to tourism in Tarsus, with many people coming to the historic city to see the ship from other parts of Turkey and abroad for many years.

“Nusret hosts many visitors from Turkey and abroad. More people come on special days and holidays. The number of visitors reaches 50,000 a year. Visitors see the replicas of soldiers and simulated mines in the ship. They can see the captain house. The simulated martyrdom scenes and some other parts inside the ship are open to visitors; they relive the Battle of Çanakkale there.The ship was made in Germany, which is why we get German visitors, too. The ship provides the same support that it did during the war to the district now. It has also become an important venue during anniversaries of the Çanakkale victory,” he said.

Visiting the ship is free of charge.