Abbas to resume talks after UN recognition

Abbas to resume talks after UN recognition

RAMALLAH- Agence France-Presse

Palestinian President Abbas addresses the 67th session of the UN General Assembly in this photo. Abbas seeks a non-member state from the UN. ABACA photo

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told EU envoys on Oct. 9 he accepts European declarations on the peace process as the basis for renewing talks with Israel and plans to incorporate them into his U.N. statehood campaign.

“The statements of the EU on our cause serve as the basis for a return to negotiations,” a statement from official news agency WAFA quoted Abbas as telling the EU diplomats at a meeting in Ramallah. “We hope that you will convey to your governments our appreciation for these statements. We will use them in the drafting of a Palestinian resolution which will be presented to the General Assembly of the United Nations in order to obtain the status of a non-member state,” he added.

Direct peace talks have been on hold since late September 2010, with the Palestinians insisting on an Israeli settlement freeze before resuming negotiations and the Israelis calling for talks without preconditions.

“We are open to dialogue with all international parties in the formulation of the Palestinian request,” Abbas said, adding it would be submitted to the U.N. in November.

“When we have obtained the status of non-member state at the General Assembly, we will be ready to return to the negotiating table to discuss all final status issues outstanding,” Abbas said, reaffirming that it was his policy to “preserve the two-state solution.”