15 PKK militants killed in clashes in SE Turkey

15 PKK militants killed in clashes in SE Turkey


DHA Photo

Some 15 members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) have been killed by Turkish security forces in ongoing clashes in the Hakkari province of southeastern Turkey, Anatolia news agency has reported.
Operations followed simultaneous attacks launched by PKK militantss near the district of Çukurca in Hakkari, which borders Iran and Iraq. Fighting in the area has been ongoing for nearly two days now.
Early Wednesday, PKK members staged an attack on the Işıklı and Karataş gendarmerie outposts and the Gazitepe base area in Çukurca.
According to the Hakkari Governorship, PKK members attacked the Turkish targets with heavy weapons and rocket launchers. Turkish troops responded by launching helicopters and firing artillery shells.
Operations are continuing in the area.