US should ‘pursue’ closer ties with Turkey

US should ‘pursue’ closer ties with Turkey

The rise of four powerful democracies, Turkey, Brazil, India and Indonesia, presents one of the most significant opportunities for U.S. foreign policy and U.S. leaders should pursue closer partnerships with these countries, says a new report.

The report named “Global Swing States: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey and the Future of International Order” was conducted by the Center for a New American Security and offered a new framework for thinking about how U.S. engagement with these powers can bolster peace, prosperity and freedom. The report offers policy prescriptions specific to each of the countries, while recommending that America’s engagement with these states include four broad components: capitalizing on areas where Turkey, Brazil, India and Indonesia have taken on new responsibilities; addressing some of the demands of these states for greater representation in international institutions, helping them strengthen their capacity to more actively support the international order, increasing the resources and attention that the U.S. devotes to these nations to better match their rising importance. On Turkey, the report offered recommendations for the areas of trade, financial, human rights.