UEFA head agrees with Turkish PM on match-fixing penalties
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet

UEFA president Platini speaks during the opening session of the 36th Ordinary UEFA Congress. REUTERS
UEFA President Michel Platini has expressed agreement with Turkey’s prime minister on the notion that football clubs should not be punished for the crimes of individuals but noted that there is no other way to penalize rigging."The disciplinary committee is an independent body. The clubs should not punished for the fraudulent activities of their presidents, I agree. But that is the system and the clubs pay for the crimes. Is there any other way? Well, it seems unlikely under the given circumstances,” Platini said today in Istanbul during the 36th UEFA Congress.
Turkey was hit by a match-fixing scandal last year that led to the arrests of countless players, coaches and chairmen, including Fenerbahçe Chair Aziz Yıldırım. Fenerbahçe was banned from playing in this season’s Champions League over the allegations, but no Turkish team has yet received a domestic penalty in connection to the alleged rigging.
Platini also said he would vote in favor of Turkey's bid to host the 2020 European Championships but added that Turkey was in a difficult position because it was also bidding for to host the 2020 Olympics. "The two cannot be together," he said.