Two women murdered over breakup

Two women murdered over breakup

Two women murdered over breakup

Two women have been killed by their partners over wanting a breakup in two different provinces of Turkey, adding to the country’s long list of violence against women.

Haberin Devamı

In the Pamukkale district of the Aegean province of Denizli, 25-year-old Şebnem Şirin was found dead in her apartment early on Oct. 27. Furkan Zıbıncı, the man who stabbed the woman in the neck, was nabbed by the police while trying to escape the province. In his first testimony, he confessed to having committed the murder, saying, “She wanted to leave me, so we fought.”

A funeral service was held for Şirin on Oct. 28 in Denizli, where local women protested the femicide by silently sitting in front of the mosque. 

In another femicide in the northwestern province of Kocaeli, a man named Ali Akbaba shot his 44-year-old partner, Seyhan Gözer, who wanted to end their relationship. When a taxi driver intervened to help Gözer, who was struggling to survive, Akbaba came forward and threatened the driver saying, “Let her die.” The woman eventually succumbed to her injury.

Some 82 women were murdered just in the first 81 days of 2021, according to the Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu (We Will Stop Femicide Platform), a women’s rights organization that monitors violence against women.

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