Turkmens shun council over controversial election

Turkmens shun council over controversial election

Turkmens shun council over controversial election

The Iraqi Turkmen Front has that its members in Iraq’s Kirkuk province will continue to protest by not attending provincial council sessions, as they did during the previous governorate elections.

The members, who protested the elections in Kirkuk Governorate held at the initiative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), will continue their stance by boycotting council sessions, the front’s political bureau said in a statement.

The statement said the elections were illegal and that an appeal had been made to the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court for their annulment, adding they will not attend council sessions until a court decision was made.

It also noted that the members will continue their regular duties to ensure services reach the people of Kirkuk and that they will not abandon their initial stance against the council, which has prevented their participation.

Members of the Kirkuk Provincial Council, including five Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) members, three Arab members and one Christian member, gathered at Rashed Hotel in Baghdad to vote for the governor and the head of their council.

Those who took part in the vote supported the PUK’s Rebwar Taha for the post of governor and Arab member Muhammad Hafiz for the council’s helm, while Turkmen, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) members and three Arab members of the Kirkuk Council did not attend the meeting and boycotted the vote.

On the same day, the head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front announced their refusal to acknowledge the meeting in Baghdad to elect the Kirkuk governor and provincial council helm, vowing to seek a court order to annul it.
