Türkiye's communication satellite reaches designated orbit

Türksat 6A, the country's first domestically produced communication satellite, has successfully entered its permanent geosynchronous orbit at 42 degrees east, Türkiye's Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloğlu announced on Dec. 28.
“After six launches, Türksat 6A has arrived at its designated orbit. We plan to complete the testing process and put the satellite into service in the first quarter of 2025,” Uraloğlu announced in a statement posted on X.
He reminded that Türksat 6A, which began its journey on July 9 from SpaceX's Cape Canaveral launch center, had reached its temporary orbit at 50 degrees east on July 20.
During this time, the satellite underwent and passed payload tests. The satellite has now settled into its final orbit, 35,786 kilometers above Earth, following a final adjustment on Dec. 27 at around 5 a.m. Türkiye time, he added.
Uraloğlu emphasized the significance of Türksat 6A, describing it as the largest research and development project in Türkiye’s history and a cornerstone of the country’s space ambitions. “This is not just a communication satellite. It is the realization of a project that will shape Türkiye’s future in space and bolster its global influence.”
He also highlighted Türksat 6A's 20-year journey, which began with the establishment of Türksat and the signing of the satellite contract a decade ago. The high localization rate achieved in its production reflects the success of the Technology Transfer Training Program initiated by Türksat.
With the launch of Türksat 6A, Türkiye’s satellite coverage will expand significantly.
Türksat currently operates five communication satellites that cover orbits at 31, 42 and 50 degrees east, reaching a global population of 3.5 billion. Türksat 6A will extend coverage to new regions, including Southeast Asia, with a specific focus on countries like India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.