Türkiye bans entry to forests at risk of catching fire

Türkiye bans entry to forests at risk of catching fire

ANKARA - Demirören News Agency
Türkiye bans entry to forests at risk of catching fire

Following the evaluations made with the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry, Türkiye’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency has announced a ban on entering forests at risk of catching fire until Aug. 31.

Haberin Devamı

Camping in forests will not be allowed, except for camping establishments, and the use of flammable materials, such as fireworks and sky lanterns, is prohibited in organizations close to forested areas, according to the circular sent by AFAD to the country’s all governor’s offices.

The number of gendarmerie and police patrols in forests will be increased, and monitoring activities with drones, security systems and various means will be intensified.

“Due to the risk of fire, emergency lanes will be opened around fire-prone areas, such as garbage dump and landfill sites, railway edges and picnic areas,” AFAD said.

AFAD will ensure that all personnel, vehicles, and equipment needed by the units are ready to quickly respond in case of a forest fire.

The coordination of institutions, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and volunteers involved in the response will be carried out within the scope of the response plan prepared for forest fires, AFAD said.

Apart from the forest fires caused by burning stubble or garbage, agricultural works, power transmission line failures, picnics and lightning, they also occurred out of intent, negligence, or carelessness, according to AFAD.

“The humidity will decrease in [the southern province of] Antalya and [the Aegean province of] Muğla, where the temperature may exceed 40 degrees Celsius, which means that the risk of forest fires will increase and it’s necessary to take precautions,” Orhan Şen, a prominent Turkish meteorologist, said on July 20.

Turkey, entry,