Turkish PM warns Bosnia Herzegovina of FETÖ threat
SARAJEVO – Anadolu Agency

The Turkish prime minister warned Bosnia and Herzegovina that the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) could harm it as it did Turkey.
Bosnian Hayat TV broadcast on April 2 an interview conducted with Binali Yıldırım last week during his visit.
Yıldırım said FETÖ had also greatly damaged Islam.
He said FETÖ was active in Bosnia.
“You should never tolerate activities of FETÖ,” Yıldırım warned.
“They killed people ruthlessly and they destroyed all of our sacred values,” he added.
Turkish deputy PM praises anti-FETÖ op
Deputy Prime Minister Hakan Çavuşoğlu said April 2 that Ankara had done Pristina a favor by taking in Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) members apprehended in Kosovo.
In cooperation with Kosovo intelligence on April 5, Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) apprehended the six men, who were said to be in charge of getting FETÖ members out of Turkey to go to Europe and the United States, alongside their activities in the Balkans.
The group, brought back to Turkey by a private plane, is made up of Cihan Özkan, Kahraman Demirez, Hasan Hüseyin Günakan, Mustafa Erdem, Osman Karakaya and Yusuf Karabina, all wanted in Turkey as FETÖ fugitives.
Once in Turkey, the suspects were handed over to the judiciary.
“The situation, which emerged in Kosovo is a great favor Turkey has done to Kosovo for its security and future,” said Çavuşoğlu, responding to journalists’ questions in an event in western Bursa.
Çavuşoğlu said Kosovo’s prime minister and other authorities should see this development from that point of view.