Turkish motorcyclist blames friends over dangerous stunts in traffic

Turkish motorcyclist blames friends over dangerous stunts in traffic

Turkish motorcyclist blames friends over dangerous stunts in traffic

A motorcyclist has blamed his girlfriends over dangerous stunts they did in Istanbul traffic, angering motorists and social media users.

Haberin Devamı

“I was coaxed by my girlfriends. I regret what I have done. I never did it again,” local media quoted the motorcyclist, identified only as Erhan M., as saying on July 27.

In the footage shared on social media this week, Erhan M. was seeing driving his motorcycle dangerously in the Maltepe district, while one of his friends was seen in various positions, including lying and sitting on the bike, sometimes with her feet touching the ground at high speed.

Erhan M. was detained for ignoring a call from traffic police to stop and speeding ahead of them instead on one wheel.

He was released later by paying a fine of 2,126 Turkish Liras, as his motorcycle was seized.

“We had shot the video five months ago, but I got into trouble after it was published online yesterday,” the young man told journalists on July 27, repeating his vow to not engage in any stunts anymore.