Turkish fishermen protest ministry decision on bluefish catch
ISTANBUL – Anatolia News Agency

Vessel traffic on the Bosporus Strait was briefly interrupted due to the protest.AA photo
A group of fishermen yesterday protested a decision by the Ministry of Agriculture to ban the catching of small-sized bluefish.
Vessel traffic on the Bosporus Strait was briefly interrupted as some 150 fishing boats set sail on the strait to protest the recent regulations.
The Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry in September increased the minimum catch size from 14 to 20 centimeters for bluefish and from 30 to 45 centimeters for grouper.
The boats carried banners that read “Chaos in the sector,” “Do not touch my bluefish,” “1 million fishermen are victims” and “There is no research, just a ban.”
Activists and Greenpeace are continuing to campaign to have the sizes of catchable fish increased. According to the activists, the size of 20 centimeters for bluefish is still very small, since “most bluefish start reproducing at 24 to 25 centimeters and therefore the limit should at least be 25 centimeters.”