Turkish caviar on the way to export to the world
ADANA – Anatolia News Agency

The Mersin caviar will be available in Turkey soon and the price per kilogram will be determined somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 euros. aa PHOTO
A firm in Turkey’s southern province of Adana is set to produce caviar for the first time in the country and export it to a number of countries including even the countries surrounding Caspian Sea, traditionally the source of classic caviar.A member of the firm’s management board Mehmet Tosmur said caviar would be produced from the “Golden black” species of Mersin Fish. “Black caviar is only produced with Mersin Fish,” he said at the opening ceremony of the production plant in the İmamoğlu district of the province.
The other caviars’ nutritional value for humans is lower, he added. “But Mersin fish have characteristics producing benefits such as increasing the sperm count in the male body and anti-aging for women,” Tosmur said.
The Mersin caviar will be available in Turkey soon and the price per kilogram will be determined somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 euros.
There are 32 caviar producers in the world according to Tosmur, who said their aim was to be ranked as the top caviar producer by 2017.
Tosmur said they had already managed to create the capacity to produce 75,000 caviars per year but that this should be increased to 100,000.
Tosmur also said the caviar they produced would be exported to the countries surrounding the Caspian Sea, European Union members, China and the United States.