Turkey’s only ice museum opens in Erzurum

Turkey’s only ice museum opens in Erzurum

Turkey’s only ice museum opens in Erzurum

Turkey’s first and only ice museum, the Ata Ice Museum was opened on July 15, marked as Democracy and National Unity Day, in the eastern province of Erzurum.

Haberin Devamı

The museum is considered as a mission of Atatürk University’s New Generation University Design and Transformation Project to support arts and artists.

The museum, which was built in cooperation with Atatürk University and North Eastern Anatolia Development Agency (KUDAKA), opened in the Faculty of Fine Arts, after an 18-month process.

The Ata Ice Museum is Turkey’s only ice museum, which also exists in many parts of the world such as Fairbanks, Moscow, Bristol, New York City, Jeju Island and Harbin.

With eight ice-making machines, 16 ice mold machines and 400 square meters of exhibition space, the museum will display ice sculptures under 5 degrees Celsius throughout the year.

The first exhibition titled “Maan-Ice,” prepared to remember the resistance and unity during the July 15 coup attempt, and to draw attention to the struggle, brings together works produced with ice materials.

The museum offers its visitors a visual feast with sound, light and music.