Turkey ratifies int'l agreements with seven countries

Turkey ratifies int'l agreements with seven countries

ANKARA- Anadolu Agency
Turkey ratifies intl agreements with seven countries

The Turkish government has ratified several separate international agreements with seven countries in areas of sports, health, and air transportation, according to Official Gazette on Jan. 7. 

Haberin Devamı

A cooperation agreement between Turkey and Montenegro in the area of youth and sports was signed on Oct 4, 2019, and ratified on Thursday at the Turkish Official Gazette.

The agreement, which aims to contribute to the promotion and strengthening of friendly relations between both countries and their peoples, includes "ensuring the mutual participation of experts and youth" in various programs and events both nationally and internationally "in the field of youth."

Exchange of information, carrying out activities for youth "to be aware of the national, spiritual and cultural heritages" belonging to or shared by both countries, organizing of joint youth camps, promoting and organizing exchange programs is also included in the agreement.

Turkey and Montenegro will also exchange experts and experiences in the area of sports while conducting mutual visits and inviting athletes, trainers.

Separately, a protocol on cooperation between Turkey's Directorate of Archives and Ukraine's Archival services was signed on Feb 3, 2020, in Kiev and was ratified by Official Gazette publication today.

According to the protocol between Ankara and Kiev, both countries are to "conduct researches and exchange reproduced samples of archival documents per their national legislations."

Turkey and Ukraine will also exchange experts, publications, and organize scientific meetings exhibitions in the field of archives.

Medical aid to Bangladesh, Georgia, Northern Cyprus

In another agreement, Turkey will send medical aid to Bangladesh under a bilateral agreement, according to a notice published in the country's Official Gazette today.

The agreement between Turkey and Bangladesh on “donations in the field of health” was signed on Oct 12, 2020, in Ankara, it said.

As a “gesture of friendship and goodwill”, Turkey will donate medical supplies including 20 ventilators, 10,000 gowns, 10,000 N95 type masks, 10,000 protective coveralls, 2,000 face shields, and 5,000 protective glasses.

Turkey, based on another agreement, will donate to the Georgian government 20 units of ventilators, 50,000 diagnostic kits, 2,000 boxes of Plaquenil tablets, 4,000 boxes of favipiravir, 2,000 boxes of linezolid as well as other medicines used in coronavirus treatment.

The aid, which is granted to Georgia and is to be used towards primary health services in the country, also includes 5,000 N95 masks, 5,000 gloves, 1,000 each coveralls, face shields, and glasses.

Haberin Devamı

Two countries signed the agreement on Oct 9, 2020.

Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus also signed a memorandum of understanding on Nov 20, 2020, in the field of health.

In the scope of the MoU, Turkey will grant 30,000 pieces of coronavirus diagnostics kits and 30,000 pieces of viral nucleic acid isolation kits. Additionally, an agreement with the Turkish Cypriot government was signed on Dec 2, 2020, where Turkey will grant 30,000 viral transport media used in diagnosing coronavirus.

The Turkish donation to TRNC is a "gesture of friendship and goodwill."

Haberin Devamı

Turkey has sent medical aid to over 150 countries and six international organizations during the coronavirus pandemic.

Agreements in air transportation

According to the Official Gazette's long list of agreements, a bilateral air services agreement was also inked by the governments of Turkey and Tanzania on Feb 18, 2010.

The agreement entails "facilitating of expansion of international air services opportunities", "enhance economic growth, trade, tourism, investment and welfare" of the two countries.

Details from the agreement also tell that it aims to "ensure the highest degree of safety and security in international air services."

In another agreement with the East African country, Union of Comoros, Turkey signed an agreement in the area of air services.

As part of the agreement signed in Izmir province of Turkey on May 31, 2012, Turkey and Comoros will "promote an international aviation system based on competition among airlines."

The agreement also aims to "facilitate the expansion of international air services opportunities."
