Turkey expects new records in e-commerce

It is expected that Turkey’s record of e-commerce trade volume of $25.6 billion by the end of this year will reach $28.9 billion next year, and the share of online shopping could reach 38 percent.
As the coronavirus pandemic transforms consumer behavior, companies have started focusing on hygienic delivery and customer support in order to ensure consumer confidence and have increased their investments in digitalization with the understanding of the importance of e-commerce.
According to data compiled from the 2021 Annual Presidential Program, Turkey aims to become one of the major trading centers that protect consumer rights through quality-oriented and innovative approaches and practices that make trade easy and safe.
Considering the developments in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors and the benefits of the consumers, the problems that may be encountered in the market operation in the wholesale and retail trade sectors will be eliminated.
A new fast-track mechanism of product return and rebate in cross-border e-commerce will be facilitated in a bid to cut through red tape to keep those products exempt from customs duties.
The Turkish Trade Ministry will continue to support firms in paying subscription fees for officially approved e-commerce portals.
The number of licensed e-commerce depots will increase from 120 to 130 next year.
Trendyol, one of Turkey’s leading online marketplace firms with global net sales of over $660 million according to ecommercedb.com, has added 1,000 employees to its workforce in the last three months, an executive of the company said.
“We have been creating more job opportunities, strengthening the economic development of Anatolian provinces and participation of women to the economy. As Trendyol, we have employed 12,000 people directly. With indirect employment we have created with our business partners, the figure hits 730,000 people,” said Ozan Acar.
Particularly, the new employees have taken jobs at the company’s warehouses, innovation center and express service departments, he added.
Overseas centers
Turkey also plans to establish foreign logistics centers in strategic regions in Africa, the United States, Europe, Russia and the far East, said the country’s top trade official last week.
“We are aiming to deliver Turkish products to global markets in the fastest and most cost-effective way,” Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan said on Oct. 25.
It’s among the priorities of the ministry to create the necessary infrastructure facilities that will increase the export performance in important markets, added Pekcan.
Underlining that logistics also played a key role in strategic pricing and customer satisfaction in e-commerce, she said such centers would help Turkish overseas initiatives in this sector as well.
She pointed out that the logistics centers covered by the ministry would receive support for five years.
Pekcan said those with an average capacity utilization rate of at least 50 percent in the last three years would be given additional support of up to five years.
Besides, the government will support these centers in expenditures, such as license and permit costs, customs clearance, inventory management, promotion and marketing activities.