‘Toys of Sports’ exhibition at Istanbul Toy Museum

‘Toys of Sports’ exhibition at Istanbul Toy Museum

‘Toys of Sports’ exhibition at Istanbul Toy Museum

A new exhibition, "Toys of Sports," organized with the support of Trendyol, the first Turkish partner of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), combines the excitement of the Olympics with fascinating toys.

Curated by poet and writer Sunay Akın and Aslı Nuhoğlu, the exhibition, featuring toys of various sports from past to present, can be visited at the Istanbul Toy Museum through Aug. 19.

Akın, the founder of Istanbul Toy Museum, said the following about the exhibition:

“While visiting the London Zoo, we came across a sandbox. I saw children from different countries of the world mingling and playing happily with each other, while we, adults, sitting on the benches around the sandbox, watched them without speaking to each other. The power of the game united humanity, regardless of language, religion or race, in the sandbox. The Olympic Games, where the whole world gathers under the five-ringed flag, takes its beauty from the unique power of the game culture that removes the borders on the maps. The Olympic Games is the sensitivity of saying ‘This is our world’ regardless of language, religion and race. We present this sensitivity to our visitors in the 'Toys of Sports' exhibition.”

Trendyol Group Corporate Communications Director İrem Poyraz said the following about Trendyol's support for the Olympics and the exhibition:

“We made a first in the 130-year history of the International Olympic Committee and became the official 'E-Commerce Services Partner.' We have also been the official sponsor of the Turkish National Olympic Committee (TMOK) since 2021. While representing our country in the world's largest sports organizations, we continue to contribute to the development of Turkish sports. Our desire is to contribute to the increase in the number of Olympic athletes by bringing children together with the Olympic spirit, thanks to our cooperation with the Toy Museum. We want to raise Olympic awareness in young children.”

Sports and toy history come together for the first time

Toys from various sports from Ancient Greece to modern times can be seen in the exhibition. Visitors also have the opportunity to experience the historical development of sports through toys.

The history of sports and toys come together for the first time in the exhibition, which includes many different toys, from the chariot racing toy in the ancient Olympic games to the doll of the famous Olympic boxer Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). In the exhibition, it is also possible to see how sports are positioned in children's games and which sports toys have a place in the history of games.

Children, who participate in the training in the OLI (Sports Culture and Olympic Education) project, in which the Turkish National Olympic Committee introduces Olympic sports and Olympic values to primary school students, can visit the "Toys of Sports" exhibition with their families free of charge.