Top Turkish designers to be on view in Denmark

Top Turkish designers to be on view in Denmark

Top Turkish designers to be on view in Denmark

Global Views, a platform company specializing in artisan showcases around the world, will be hosting a Turkish Designer Showcase in the ritzy resort town of Hornaek, Denmark between July 2 and 5.

Dice Kayek, Kismet by Milka, Jaquette by Elvan, ANIM Living, OYE Swimwear and Boho Loves Elif Mısırlı will be among the elite brands to take the center stage in the event, curated by Istanbul-based Lisa Resling-Halpern and Kathryn Oskay.

The showcase will kick off with a private shopping event on July 2 and at the Resling-Halpern estate, an enchanting property nestled near the Kattegat Sea. The private event will be a two-day garden party, where guests will enjoy Turkish hors d’oeuvres, wine, spirits, and shopping.

The curated invitees of the exclusive event will be comprised of important personalities, tastemakers and influencers in the Danish art, interior design and fashion world.

Hornbaekhus, a classically Danish seaside resort hotel, boasting of charm and “hygge” located a stone’s throw from the beach, will be the backdrop for the public showcase on July 5.

“I have had the privilege of working in the fashion industry for most of my career, on both sides of the Atlantic. After moving to Türkiye in 2016 I fell in love and became a passionate advocate for Turkish fashion and design. It is now become my lifelong ambition to bridge the gap between the rich heritage of Turkish creativity to Western audiences,” Oskay said.

“From the moment I first set foot in Türkiye, I was enchanted. It has always been my mission to remind the global audience that all art forms transcend boundaries and unite us all. For me, to have the opportunity to celebrate the connections between the country of my birth, Denmark and the nation that has captivated me, Türkiye is truly a privilege,” Resling-Halpern said.

Based in Istanbul, Oskay has held senior positions in the U.S. luxury industry, including Chanel, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom, while Resling-Halpern has promoted artists, fashion and jewelry brands via her global consultancy for the past two decades and is considered a visionary in the world of arts and culture.

Additionally, for the past 25 years, she has successfully run the Neel-Resling Halpern Foundation in Denmark.

To date, Global Views has been showcased in numerous cities, including New York, London, Istanbul and St. Tropez.