Three gored at Pamplona’s fifth bull run

Three gored at Pamplona’s fifth bull run

Three gored at Pamplona’s fifth bull run

An American and two Spaniards were gored on July 10 during a danger-filled fifth bull run of Spain’s famed running of the bulls through the cobblestoned streets of Pamplona.

Haberin Devamı

The bulls broke into separate groups, and one of them trailed behind the rest, making the course extra unpredictable for runners trying to scamper out of their way.

Several daredevils slipped or tripped while the bulls charged down the narrow streets of the bull run route. Television images showed one bull repeatedly tossing one runner in the air.

A 29-year-old Spaniard was gored in the knee and two other men were gored inside the northern city’s bullring at the end of the run, the regional government of Navarra said in a statement.

One of them was a 25-year-old from Florida who was gored in his leg and the other is a 29-year-old Spaniard who was gored in the groin, it added.

Three other runners were taken to hospital for injuries sustained in falls during the run.