Thousands of breads left in nature in superstition believed to prevent natural disasters
ERZURUM - Demirören News Agency

Some tradesmen in the eastern province of Erzurum left 2,001 loaves of bread for wild animals in the mountainous area where the shrine of Pir Ali Baba, a religious scholar, is located in what they believe would ward off events such as earthquakes, avalanches and plane crashes that have happened in Turkey in recent days.
The “1,001 Hatim,” the act of reading the Islamic holy book Quran from start to end 1,001 times, was started 487 years ago by Pir Ali Baba to protect Erzurum from natural disasters.
The event continued with prayers read in various mosques for a month.
During the hatim days back then, 1,001 loaves of bread had been left for the wild animals on the mountain where the tomb is located.
But now that Turkey has been struck again with earthquakes, avalanches, a plane crash and recent clashes in Syria in recent days, locals have, this time, left 2,001 breads.
Muhittin Olçun, who left the loaves of bread in nature, said that the people should take care of the wildlife.
“Wild animals that cannot find food in nature even come to the city center. Hungry wolves go down to the villages and kill the dogs. Boars got in a market in [western] Bursa province,” Olçun said.
“A society that does not give peace to animals cannot find peace either. The animals living in nature are actually entrusted to us. So, we have to take care of them,” he said.