Ten people killed, more than 100 wounded in Iran clashes - state TV

Ten people killed, more than 100 wounded in Iran clashes - state TV

Hurriyet Daily News with wires

The broadcaster said there was a "tangible" presence of "terrorists" with firearms and explosives during the riots in the central Tehran neighborhoods of Enghelab and Azadi, AFP reported. 


"Unfortunately, in the riots that ended up with clashes, 10 people were killed and more than 100 people were wounded," the state television said.


It also reported that several people were killed when rioters torched a mosque in Tehran, but it later said there were no deaths from the incident.


Iran's Press TV also said "rioters" had set two gas stations on fire and attacked a military post in defiance of a stern warning by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


State television, appealing for Iranian unity, suggested that only the West stood to gain from the unrest, and Ahmadinejad accused Washington and London of interfering in Iran's affairs.


"Definitely by hasty remarks you will not be placed in the circle of friendship with the Iranian nation. Therefore I advise you to correct your interfering stances," Ahmadinejad was quoted by ISNA news agency as saying at a meeting with clerics and scholars.


Ahmadinejad was directing this remark at U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, ISNA said.


Obama, in the forefront of diplomatic efforts to halt an Iranian nuclear program the West fears could yield atomic weapons, urged Tehran on Saturday to "stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people.”


State TV announced the arrests of members of the Mujahideen Khalq Organization, or MKO, an exiled opposition group that it accused of "terrorist activities" including setting buses on fire and destroying public property.


Tehran was wracked by violence Saturday as security forces clashed with supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, who claims he won the June 12 presidential election.


The report was the second confirmation of deaths since the unrest began. State media said seven people were killed earlier in the week.


Photo: Reuters