Sports middle schools set to launch in new academic year

Sports middle schools set to launch in new academic year

Sports middle schools set to launch in new academic year

Türkiye is set to launch its first sports middle schools, a significant step aimed at nurturing athletic talent from an early age, the Education Ministry has announced.

The initiative will commence in the 2024-2025 academic year and aims to integrate sports education within the existing basic education, creating pathways for students to develop their athletic abilities while pursuing their academic goals.

“We believe that early exposure to structured sports education will not only help in discovering talented athletes but also in creating more conscious and disciplined individuals,” a spokesperson for the ministry stated.

In this educational model, sports middle schools will be established in various provinces across the country. The curriculum will include both regular and specialized physical education courses, designed for students who have demonstrated a keen interest and potential in sports during their primary education.

There has already been success with a similar approach in the arts, with the establishment of Türkiye’s first Fine Arts and Music Primary and Secondary School. The new sports-focused initiative aims to replicate that success in the field of physical education.