Sincere and authentic, Beypazarı await visitors

Thanks to a project, with just a handful of women in 1999, nowadays at least 450 women are working for themselves in Beypazarı.
Sometimes visiting a place in Turkey a couple of times shows you the development of a town. Last week, while visiting Beypazarı I was very curious to see if the town had changed over time. It must have been six years ago that I visited Beypazarı the last time and therefore expected major changes.When I arrived in the center I noticed that, at least here, not much had changed. It looked the same and while walking around in the center, I was greeted with as much enthusiasm by the people as six years ago. One of the things that struck me the first time while visiting Beypazarı was the number of women selling souvenirs and food. Everywhere I walked, I saw women being successful entrepreneurs.
Some of them had a shop on the “İstiklal Avenue” of Beypazarı; Demirci Çarşı. Other women were selling their goods from a stall, but one thing they all had in common; the way of approaching the customers was very nice and modest. Wherever you went, they offered you stuffed grape leaves or Turkish delights made from carrot. No obligations to buy their products at all; you could taste it, thank them and walk on. Not one woman would say anything about it. What a contrast to Cumalıkızık near Bursa. Cumalıkızık is a nice old town with old Ottoman houses like Şirince or Birgi, but the way most of the locals treat you is not as nice as the way Beypazarı people treat you.

No malls, no chain cafes
If you plan to go to Beypazarı and expect to find a Macdonald’s, Starbucks or big shopping center, I can tell you that you can stay at home. There is no Gloria Jeans or Burger King as well; what a relief. My philosophy is that once those kinds of places open their doors in a cute little town, the character of that place is gone. It means commerce took over and that generally destroys the authentic feeling of that place. The reason why I visit places like Beypazarı, Şirince or Birgi is the lack of those globalized shops.

The first shop I visited was the shop of Şenay Yılmaz and Nesrin Aksoy. With a big smile on their faces, it was them who recognized me, invited me in and directly started “feeding” me. First a piece of dolma (rice stuffed grape leaves) and after that, their famous baklava... One of the many things they sell is a homemade soup called Tarhana soup. This is one of the many specialties of Turkish food; a kind of instant soup. People mix the ingredients of the soup and sun-dry them. This actually might have been one of the first instant soups in the world. The advantage of such a soup is that when you are travelling, you take the powder with you and prepare a meal in a very short time. Besides Tarhana soup, they sell herbs and herbal teas. I bought dried onion and garlic (have no clue what I am going to use this for, but the taste is beautiful) and some Tarhana soup. After getting instructions on how to make the soup I left their shop and continued my walk.
When I am travelling, I am always open for surprises. Therefore, I not only walk the main road, but also try my way around in the narrow alleys where you generally find fewer tourists as well. It was during such a stroll I saw a sign that read: “Burda kurşun döküyoruz” (pouring lead over you to get rid of your Nazar. Nazar means evil eye, a belief that you can get the karma of other people and carry it with you.

Freed from my Nazar, I continued down the road; life can be so beautiful…