Side Culture Festival hosts Turkey’s Enbe Orchestra

Enbe Orchestra took the stage in Side festival with foreign dancers.
Audiences at this year’s Side International Arts and Culture Festival were treated to a performance featuring a collection of Turkish pop music, opera and jazz as the Enbe Orchestra came to town for the ongoing event.Dancers from foreign countries also accompanied the orchestra.
Side Mayor Kadir Uçar said Side had become a famous city around the world thanks to its festival and cultural life. The festival, which was launched in 2000 by Side Municipality and Uçar, has been hailed as one of the most prestigious festivals in the world.
The festival, a member of the Europe Festivals Association (EFA), will continue until Sept. 14, featuring performances from the likes of Aylin Aslım, Tuncay Kayış and the Golden Trombon Orchestra, in addition to the Enbe Orchestra.
The closing of the festival will be made by the Antalya State Opera and Ballet together with conductor Antonio Pirolli, soprano Elvira Fatihova, soprano Aylin Ateş, mezzo-soprano Leonardo Caimi and tenor Tuncay Kurtoğlu. All the events are free of charge. The festival opened last week on Sept. 3 with a performance by the Vienna Classical Music Orchestra and Ballet program.
With this festival, Side will increase its prestigious place in terms of tourism, according to Uçar.