‘SheSaidNo’ campaign reaches 2.5 million people

‘SheSaidNo’ campaign reaches 2.5 million people

‘SheSaidNo’ campaign reaches 2.5 million people

UN Women Türkiye’s “SheSaidNo” campaign initiated against intimate partner violence has reached 2.5 million people on social media in a short time.

Haberin Devamı

Within the scope of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence held between Nov. 25 and Dec. 10, U.N. Women Türkiye drew attention to intimate partner violence with the “SheSaidNo” campaign this year.

The campaign, which aims to raise awareness about the symptoms and consequences of intimate partner violence and to raise public awareness about the detection of violence and how to take action against it, received great attention.

U.N. Women Türkiye announced that the campaign reached 2.5 million people on social media.

Many celebrities from Türkiye also supported the campaign, while campaign designs inspired by the diversity and uniqueness of women were presented in nine different varieties.

The campaign urged everyone to choose their own design and share it on social media.

More than 50 influencers and over 80 non-governmental and private sector organizations supported the campaign.

In addition, approximately 55,000 people solved the 10-question test to be informed about intimate partner violence shared by U.N. Women’s social media account.

According to the first results of the test, most of which were solved by women, “the desire to control” is confused as “informing each other” in intimate partner relationships, while there is a lack of information about what to do when faced with someone who has been subjected to violence.

Intimate partner violence is a form of violence that can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence, as well as digital abuse, by current or former partners in close relationships.

Partners keep the other partner under pressure and control, which has a long-term effect on the individual.

Intimate partner violence is one of the most common forms of violence experienced by women worldwide and in Türkiye.

One out of every three women worldwide is subjected to physical or sexual violence, mostly by the partner with whom she is in an intimate relationship.

she said no, Turkish, womens rights,