Seven PKK members 'neutralized' in Syria, Iraq

Seven PKK members 'neutralized' in Syria, Iraq

Seven PKK members neutralized in Syria, Iraq

The Defense Ministry has reported the "neutralization" of seven PKK members in operations conducted in Syria and Iraq.

Turkish authorities use the term "neutralize" to indicate that the individuals in question have surrendered, been killed or captured.

Four of them were "neutralized" in northern Syria, within the regions of Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations, and three in northern Iraq's Assos region.

The Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch are among three cross-border campaigns aimed at "preventing the formation of a terror corridor" along Türkiye’s southern border with Syria. The subsequent operation was Peace Spring.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the United States and the European Union.

The ministry's announcement follows the "neutralization" of seven other PKK members the previous day in the Hakurk region of Iraq and the Euphrates Shield operation region in Syria.