Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City museum hosts Altındere

Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City museum hosts Altındere

Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City museum hosts Altındere

Halil Altındere's solo exhibition titled “Motherland” has opened at Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City Museum - Dilek Sabancı Gallery.

The exhibition showcases Altındere's selection of installations, sculptures, videos, photographs, canvases and neons, which he has created in his unique, sarcastic language since the late 1990s, as well as his works produced in recent years, in which he blends the science fiction universe of Star Wars with the traditions of murakka and miniature.

Along with 36 works dealing with institutions, borders, identities, wars, technologies, traditions, futures, popular culture and subcultures, “Motherland” also presents carpets with militaristic iconography, produced with the help of artificial intelligence and robotic knitting techniques in the last two years, and an animation produced specifically for the exhibition, which will be seen in Mardin for the first time.

The artist's recent works in the exhibition were put on display in many museums and institutions such as the Venice Biennale, the Gwangju Biennale, the Rome Maxxi Museum and the Neue Berliner Kunstverein.

The exhibition can be seen through June 10.

Sakıp Sabancı Museum,