Ruling AKP launches process for change in key cadres

Ruling AKP launches process for change in key cadres

Ruling AKP launches process for change in key cadres

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has convened its main decision-making body under the leadership of President and Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for a change in key positions.

The Central Decision-Making Committee (MKYK) of the AKP will also outline a road map for the provincial conventions and next year’s general convention.

In a statement in August, Erdoğan urged his AKP fellows that those who feel tired or exhausted should leave their positions to those who can outperform them in serving the people.

According to the AKP sources, the change within the party management will impact around 60 percent of the AKP officials both in Ankara and in provincial organizations. This will also bring about a new A team at the AKP where Erdoğan will work together. These changes will not be implemented overnight as Erdoğan will first conduct a meticulous and cautious study on the AKP organizations, the sources stressed.

The AKP became the first party in the May 2023 parliamentary polls and Erdoğan was reelected as the president. However, the opposition achieved a landslide victory in the March 2024 local elections, with the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) becoming the leading party for the first time in decades.