Restoration, archeology fair held in Istanbul

Restoration, archeology fair held in Istanbul

Restoration, archeology fair held in Istanbul

Heritage Istanbul, organized with the motto “Securing the Future for the Past,” has gathered various institutions working to preserve, keep and transfer cultural heritage to the future.

Haberin Devamı

The fair is held in Istanbul between April 11-13 for the fourth time in Hilton Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Center. It was first held in 2015, then in 2017 and then in 2018.

The purpose of the conference is to gather the professionals of accredited institutions, governmental bodies and product suppliers in the restoration, archaeology and museology sectors.

The Heritage Istanbul 2019 Exposition is also supported by the Italian Culture Ministry. Thanks to the contributions of Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and Italian Association for Architectural, Artistic & Urban Restoration (Assorestauro), 10 leading Italian restoration companies have made contacts with Turkish authorities as well as other companies regarding effective management of works on historical sites during the conference.

Italian companies spoke in detail about their restoration projects and potentials for cooperation and conveyed their experiences during the exposition.

Alessandro Zanini, President of Assorestauro, said that they have been cooperating on important projects with Turkish institutions and organizations for years.

“The restoration of Sheik Suleyman Mosque within the framework of Med Art was accomplished in 2017 and it has been an exemplary work. In the guideline formed within the scope of Med Art, strategical, tactical and operational steps are covered step-by-step. Risk analysis, works to be carried out in order to minimize the risk and management of the preparation phase before disasters such as earthquakes happen, what to during earthquakes and works to be carried out concerning historical sites after disasters have been covered in detail,” he said.

heritage istanbul, restorations,