Police nab Mossad financial network manager in Türkiye

Police nab Mossad financial network manager in Türkiye

Police nab Mossad financial network manager in Türkiye

The Istanbul police have apprehended Liridon Rexhepi, a Kosovar national identified as orchestrating Mossad’s financial network within Türkiye, marking the latest phase in a series of operations against the Israeli spy network.

Rexhepi was responsible for funneling money to field operatives in Türkiye at the behest of the Israeli intelligence agency, according to information shared by Turkish security sources on Sept. 3.

These operatives were involved in “conducting drone surveillance, engaging in psychological operations against Palestinian politicians and gathering intelligence on the Syrian front,” the sources said.

Meticulous surveillance by Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) uncovered unusual activity in Rexhepi’s financial accounts, revealing multiple fund transfers via Western Union to Mossad field operatives in Türkiye.

His financial transactions were closely monitored, and upon his entry into Türkiye on Aug. 25, he was placed under continuous surveillance, with his movements meticulously documented.

Coordination with the Istanbul Police counterterrorism branch was subsequently established, leading to Rexhepi's apprehension by its officers on Aug. 30.

During his interrogation, Rexhepi confessed to executing the financial transfers, and he was subsequently arrested by the court.

The operation unveiled that Mossad facilitated the transfer of funds to its operatives in Türkiye, predominantly from Kosovo and other Eastern European nations.

Further financial tracking disclosed that these operatives funneled the funds received via Western Union to their affiliates in the Syrian field. It was also ascertained that payments to their Syrian contacts were made using cryptocurrency, thus adding a layer of complexity to their financial operations, the sources said.

Rexhepi is the first high-profile Mossad operative arrested in Türkiye this year as it ramped up operations targeting alleged Mossad members inside the country.

Since the beginning of the year, Turkish intelligence and police have detained dozens of suspects over allegations of selling information, particularly targeting foreigners residing in the country, to Mossad. Among the suspects, some were reported to have provided Mossad with information about the residences of Palestinians living in Türkiye, as well as images from touristic and crowded areas in the country.

In August, MİT also dismantled a cyber espionage network that had seized the personal data of thousands of individuals worldwide, including Turkish citizens.

The crackdown resulted in the arrest of 11 suspects linked to the network.
