Plenty of rainfall turns drought map ‘green’

Precipitation increased by 254 percent in April compared to 2022 and by 51 percent in the last 50 years, with most parts of the country experiencing humid weather rather than drought for the first time in a while, according to a report by the Turkish State Meteorological Service.
The 2023 April reports for precipitation, temperature and drought published by the bureau showed that, unlike recent years, the data obtained were at pleasing levels. April precipitation across the country was above the normal (1991-2020) than last year’s April precipitation.
The report stated that last month’s rainfall was 86.8 kilograms per square meter, an increase of 51 percent compared to the normal of 57.5 kilograms, and an increase of 254 percent compared to April 2022, which was 24.5 kilograms.
Rainfall was generally above seasonal norms in all regions. The Marmara and Black Sea regions experienced an increase of 82 percent, which was the highest regional increase. Additionally, the Black Sea Region experienced its wettest April of the previous 63 years.
Meanwhile, according to the drought analysis regarding the Standard Precipitation Index for the last three months, for the first time in many years - except for “severe” drought data around the western province of Muğla’s Bodrum district and “moderate” drought data in the South Aegean and south of Hatay - most of the country showed “normal,” “light,” “moderate,” “very,” “extremely” and “extraordinary” humid data across the country, where previously “extraordinary,” “very severe” and “severe” drought was observed.
The drought map of Türkiye, which was predominantly “black and brown” tones in all regions except the capital Ankara, southern provinces of Kilis, Hatay and the Central Anatolian province of Karaman, turned into “green and blue” tones, showing a significant change from dry toward humid conditions.