‘Philomena’ to open Istanbul Film Fest

British director Stephen Frears’ film ‘Philomena’ will open the film. festival.
The 33rd Istanbul Film Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and sponsored by Akbank, will be held between April 5 and 20.The 33rd edition of the festival, featuring more than 200 titles and three competitions in its program, will open with Stephen Frears’ “Philomena.” The full festival line-up will be announced the first week of March.
The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts features a new collaboration for the posters of Istanbul Festivals from last year. Artwork and the handwriting of leading artists from different fields are brought together on the posters of Istanbul Festivals by graphic designer Bülent Erkmen.
The poster of the 33rd Istanbul Film Festival features the drawings and handwriting of internationally renowned contemporary artist İnci Eviner, whose works have been featured at exhibitions including MASSMoCA, the Istanbul, Venice, Asian Art and Thessaloniki biennials, and galleries such as İstanbul Modern, Whitechapel, Queensland, Wellington and Mizuma.