Patient meets the press after receiving 2 arms
ANTALYA - Doğan News Agency

Atilla Kavdır (C) was accompanied by his doctor Ömer Özkan (3rd R), as well as İsrafil Kurtcephe, the rector of Akdeniz University (1st R), during the meeting.
A limb transplant patient who received two arms and a leg in a surgical operation on Jan. 21 appeared before the press yesterday for the first time since the surgery.Atilla Kavdır was Turkey’s first triple-limb transplant patient, yet his body rejected the leg a day after the surgery in the southern province of Antalya.
Appearing in front of the cameras together with his doctors, Kavdır said his first plan was to hold his children’s hands and put on a ring.
“I have been living without arms for 23 years, I want to hold my children’s hands and drive a motorbike or a car maybe,” Kavdır said. One of his doctors, Ömer Özkan, said Kavdır could now feel his arms when they were touched.