Parliament to convene in closed session on Israeli attacks

Parliament to convene in closed session on Israeli attacks

Parliament to convene in closed session on Israeli attacks

The parliament will hold a closed session on Oct. 8 to discuss Israel's ongoing military actions in the Middle East and Türkiye's response to the escalating conflict.

During the session, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and Defense Minister Yaşar Güler are scheduled to brief lawmakers on Israel's attacks in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, the growing regional tensions and Türkiye's security measures amid the potential for broader conflict.

No journalists or outside observers will be permitted to attend the session, and details will be withheld from the public for 10 years, according to parliamentary protocol.

The briefing comes in response to requests from opposition party chairs.

"We want information about Türkiye's security issue. We want to know if there is a threat in the Israeli issue," main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Özgür Özel told reporters on Oct. 3.

His call came after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warned on Oct. 1 that the "next place Israel will set its eyes on will be Türkiye."

"After Lebanon, the next place Israel will set its eyes on, I tell you clearly, will be our homeland... [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's dreams include Anatolia," Erdoğan said.

"Whatever the cost, Türkiye will continue to stand against Israel and invite the world to this honorable stance. Türkiye will do its best to establish a humanity front."

Özel voiced concern over the president's comments, calling them "striking and worrying."

"If the president voices such a clear threat to the Turkish Republic, he should explain it with concrete reasons," he added.

"If you see a danger, tell the parliament and let us do what is necessary together... If the danger is great, we are in favor of unity and solidarity."

Erdoğan also criticized those advocating for Türkiye to remain neutral in the escalating tensions.

"We are facing an occupation network that intends to throw the entire region into fire. No one with an iota of conscience can remain silent in the face of such a massacre network," Erdoğan said.

"Just as Hitler was stopped when he saw himself in a magnifying glass, Netanyahu will be stopped in the same way."