Owl put up for sale on internet seized by forestry directorate

An owl put up for sale on a second-hand sellers group’s page on a social media platform in the northwestern province of Kocaeli has been seized by local authorities before being released to nature.
A person, whose name was not revealed, uploaded the photos and videos of the owl onto the website, saying that he found the owl wounded some time ago and wanted to sell it after treating it.
“I have been feeding the owl in my house for about a month. I found it wounded. I did not take it to the veterinarian because they could have put it down. It had wounds in its foot and wings. It has recovered and can walk now. Owls are easy to take care of. This owl has not attacked anyone so far. I am open to proposals to those who think that they can adopt a wild animal. It is not for free, do not ask me about the price,” he said.
But after being informed about the sale, officials from the Directorate of Forestry and Water Affairs on March 5 seized the animal from the suspect in Kocaeli’s Karamürsel district.
Kocaeli Animal Rights Association President Selma Pilatin Pek filed a complaint about the person.
According to Pek, the suspect was not fined because he did not know about the ban on the sale of owls and was only warned.
The officials said the owl was released to the Natural Life Park in Uzuntarla.