Over 64 mln liras in fines imposed for deceptive ads

Over 64 mln liras in fines imposed for deceptive ads

Over 64 mln liras in fines imposed for deceptive ads

The Trade Ministry’s Advertising Board has imposed administrative fines of more than 64 million Turkish Liras ($2.4 million) in total on 1,346 cases determined to involve deceptive advertising or unfair commercial practices.

Haberin Devamı

According to a written statement issued by the ministry on Sept. 19, the Advertising Board reviewed a total of 1,527 cases during the first nine months of the year.

Within this scope, in addition to cease-and-desist orders, administrative penalties surpassing 64 million liras were imposed upon 1,346 cases that were identified as misleading advertisements, postings devoid of the advertisement label, or unfair commercial practices.

Practices that hinder consumers from being accurately informed, manipulate purchase decision-making processes based on need and benefit/cost criteria with unclear expressions or designs are considered unfair commercial practices and have been banned by the ministry.

In addition to the decisions reached as a result of file reviews by the board, a guide has also been created for consumers and all sectors, especially the e-commerce industry, to provide guidance on these matters.
