‘Over 400,000 irregular migrants voluntarily left Türkiye in one year’

‘Over 400,000 irregular migrants voluntarily left Türkiye in one year’

‘Over 400,000 irregular migrants voluntarily left Türkiye in one year’

Nearly 401,000 irregular migrants voluntarily left Türkiye over a period of nearly a year without any coercion or deportation, the head of the migration body has revealed.

Attila Toros spoke to daily Hürriyet during an inspection in the capital Ankara via "mobile migration units" — vehicles designed to expeditiously monitor migrants’ residence permits.

In these mobile units, law enforcement officials conduct identity checks on foreigners suspected of being irregular migrants. Those unable to produce identification are invited into the vehicles, where migration experts and interpreters assist in the process. Fingerprints are taken, and identity verification is conducted through the database. If an individual is determined to lack legal residence status, deportation proceedings are initiated immediately.

According to Toros, this measure is unprecedented globally. He added that the application was piloted in Istanbul in July 2023 and then was expanded nationwide. Currently operational in 59 provinces, including all major metropolitan areas, these mobile units epitomize a dynamic response to the fluid nature of irregular migration, he said.

"Just as irregular migrants are perpetually on the move, so too are our units, enhancing our operational reach and expediting our field activities. These mobile units ensure our presence 24/7 across various locales. We anticipate that by the near future, all 81 provinces will be equipped with mobile migration monitoring vehicles," Toros stated.

He underscored the deterrent effect of these units, highlighting that the field enforcement has prompted many irregular migrants to voluntarily depart from Türkiye. Since June 1, 2023, a total of 401,325 irregular migrants have self-departed without deportation, Toros said.

The past year witnessed the highest number of deportations, with 141,000 irregular migrants expelled since June 1, 2023, he also said.

As the country with the largest number of migrants globally, Türkiye continues to host millions, the majority of whom are Syrian nationals.