Original Moses statue found in Stratonikeia

The dancing statue of Moses, one of the muses of ancient mythology, has been found in the ancient city of Stratonikeia in the western province of Muğla.
The statue, whose copies are found in many parts of the world, came to light nearly after 2,175 years in Stratonikeia, which is the largest marble ancient city in the world and also known as the city of love and gladiators. It is the only original statue from the Hellenistic period, of which copies were made in the Roman Period.
The statue, known to have been created by Philiskos, a famous sculptor in the second century B.C., has copies from the Roman period known in various parts of the world, including Anatolia and Greece. But the statue found in Stratonikeia is the only original one from the Hellenistic period by Philiskos, separating it from the Roman period copies.
The discovery is significant for archaeologists because it indicates that Philiskos worked in Stratonikeia during the Hellenistic era.
The excavation carried out in the Frigidarium (cold bath) of the Roman Bath in the ancient city unearthed the statue along with its base, but its head and arms have not been found yet.
“It was known that Philiskos, one of the famous sculptors of the second century B.C. during the Hellenistic period, made nine muses statues. Roman copies of this statue were found in Perge, Rhodes and the island of Delos. The statue will be displayed in the Muğla Museum after restoration work is completed,” said the head of excavations, Professor Bilal Söğüt.