Opposition CHP forms a ‘shadow gov’t’

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The main opposition has formed a shadow Cabinet whose shadow ministers plan to keep a closer eye on the government’s policies and practices by monitoring the ruling party’s ministers and drawing up monthly reports on their activities.“The ruling Justice and Development Party [AKP] has made efforts to create a perception that Turkey has enjoyed significant developments during the last 10 years. This perception, which does not reflect the truth, can be changed by informing people about the realities, the policies and the practices of the AKP government,” the Republican People’s Party (CHP) said in a written statement yesterday.
“The CHP’s working group will monitor the government and inform the public about their activities,” it said.
In its drive to become a more influential opposition, Turkey’s main opposition party is expected to follow ministers individually to expose their faults and propose alternative policies. The party’s Central Executive Board (MYK) members and parliamentary deputy group chairs were not included among the shadow ministers. Lawmakers were assigned to the shadow ministries according to their professional fields.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s activities will be monitored by the CHP’s Kamer Genç, Ali Haydar Öner and Oğuz Oyan. Former ambassadors Osman Korutürk, Mehmet Ali Ediboğlu and Haluk Koç were assigned to the working group of the Shadow Foreign Ministry, while Gülsün Bilgehan, Umut Oran and Şafak Pavey were assigned positions in the Shadow European Affairs Ministry. Medical doctors Aytun Çıray and Aytuğ Atıcı will deal with the activities of the Health Ministry while economists Aydın Ayaydın and Müslim Sarı will monitor the activities of the Finance Ministry.