Opposition alliance will bring democracy to Türkiye: CHP leader

Opposition alliance will bring democracy to Türkiye: CHP leader

Opposition alliance will bring democracy to Türkiye: CHP leader

One of the most important issues that brings the six opposition parties together is the need to bring democracy to Türkiye, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) has said.

Haberin Devamı

“We call our [unity] sometimes the desk of Türkiye, the desk of democracy or the desk of people. But there is one thing that unites us: To bring democracy to this country in the most genuine way. We have to bring democracy to Türkiye,” CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said at a meeting held by the Turkish Democracy Foundation in Ankara on late June 16.

It’s true that Türkiye failed to improve its democracy in the past 100 years due to military coups and interventions into civilian politics, Kılıçdaroğlu stated, noting “But we have to draw lessons from the past and build a beautiful future. If we don’t fulfill this responsibility, then it means we are in fact building a pessimistic future for our children, not a bright one.”

CHP leader recalled that the six different political parties came together because they see that the absence of democracy is the root cause of many problems in Türkiye, saying “Each one of us is a different political party with different party programs. But when the country is in such a situation, the problem concerns not a single political party but the whole of Türkiye. That’s why we have to bring democracy to Türkiye, and we have to do it altogether.”

The six-party alliance is composed of the CHP, the Good (İYİ) Party, the Democrat Party, the Felicity Party, the Future Party and the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA).