Think of a labor minister admitting his inability to close down mines and workplaces that do not meet basic work safety criteria. Is it not sad?
Regardless of how firmly the neo-Ottomanists believe they have consolidated themselves at the helm of the Turkish Republic, on the 91st anniversary of its establishment, the Republic is as firmly embraced by the republican, secular and progressive segments of society as ever.
From a small Anatolian village; from a village boy, a part-time shepherd to the seat of director general, prime minister, president and a political monument respected even by his opponents
What role does Turkey think of for itself? Does it foresee a “leading country in the region” role? Does it want to play an even greater role in its area?
Finally Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu let the cat out of the bag
Turkey ranks low on all international lists in regards to rights, liberties and freedoms while also boasting first place in terms of the highest number of newsmen behind bars.
The political party and politicians that incited people to violence using the attacks of the Islamist terrorists on the Syrian town of Kobane should be brought to justice.
It appears the so-called “opening” of the government has come to a very critical stage, if not a dead-end. Could it lead anywhere else?
The Pakistanis would not, but how many of the rest of the world still remembers the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?