Without focusing on whether Turkey is European or Middle Eastern, can’t we view relations between Turkey and the European Union from the perspective of the law, diplomacy and the economy?
Over the weekend my wife and I went to see the film “The Ottoman Lieutenant,” directed by Joseph Ruben. It narrates the story of the love between an Ottoman officer and an American nurse in Van, the city that became a milestone with an Armenian insurgency in 1915
Recent discussions over Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the War of Independence and the early days of the republic do not open new horizons, nor reveal new knowledge and perspectives
I listened very carefully to the speech of Zerrin Güngör, president of the Council of State (Danıştay). As in every long speech, there were both correct and questionable aspects
When I read that Zeynep Dinçer and Sibel Balkaya from the Gökyazı village of the eastern province of Muş achieved the highest scores in a nationwide high school admission examination, I remembered a debate that happened a few years ago, where a woman asked: “Can the votes of a professor and a shepherd be the same?”
Why the word “supreme” was removed from the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) in the constitutional amendments, I could not receive an answer from anybody
Will our problems with Europe grow, or will a decrease to a manageable level be achieved?
In our relations with Europe, are we rational and moderate or are we excessively sentimental? Maybe we should say epic/heroic instead of sentimental…
Theologian Professor Hayreddin Karaduman wrote that casting a “yes” vote could be interpreted as a religious duty.