A meeting of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) in Diyarbakır called for the establishment of a “democratic autonomy”
Let me say this at the outset: The only factor that’s strengthening in the Middle East earthquake is the Kurdish movement
It was two years ago when then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defended the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) model for the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK)
You must have heard about the myths of Lausanne, the 1923 treaty that shaped modern Turkey
If Turkey has reinforced its troops in Mosul with the secret intention of gaining land, then it means it has launched a very dangerous venture
When asked about the arrests of journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu replied, “In these kinds of situations, trial without arrest is the principal”
The government program of the new 64th government that received a vote of confidence in parliament earlier this week did not thrill me
The Turkmens of the Bayırbucak region in northwest Syria are subject to the attacks of Bashar al-Assad and Russian forces not only because they are Turkmens but also because their strategic location is extremely important
Whistling while the national anthem of a rival team was being played and whistling and chanting slogans during a moment of silence for the innocent victims who lost their lives in the Paris massacre – these shameful acts took place just the other night in Istanbul