Before the invention of the camera, people used to draw more than they do today. This was out of necessity
All the world’s governments are engaged in their own negotiations; all the world’s governments are directly or indirectly responsible for lost lives near or far away from them, for undernourished souls, for people laying their heads on pavement stones instead of pillows
Last week in Paris, thousands of people were sending SMS messages to each other with the details of a demonstration to be held the next day designed to cry aloud that the diplomatic negotiations held in Paris for two weeks were not a solution to the climate crisis
I went to the COP21 climate summit in Paris, invited by the TEMA Foundation
Climate talks were ongoing in Paris for two weeks, but somehow our media was not very interested in them
Everybody with environmental sensitivity in Turkey agrees fossil fuels like coal should be abandoned and renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power should be considered
In 114 of the 156 countries of the world, politicians have to make a declaration of their property regularly. We are among the 55 countries where declarations of property are not open to public scrutiny
Uğur Okur is 28 years old. He was born in Erzurum, in eastern Turkey.
It has to be asked of Professor Celal Şengör, who ruined an exceptionally sunny Sunday for many of us with his poisonous ideas in an interview with Radikal’s Armağan Çağlayan, while he praised late military leader Kenan Evren and the Sept. 12 military coup, together with his hate for democracy and his ambition for oligarchy, what he was trying to prove by gorillas at a zoo that making people eat feces in prison was not torture…